They are not on to no particular diocese, having an ample vision of the eclesial, social and religious reality of the world. Supported for the Institution they will help to keep the unit and the dynamism in all the Church, being given bigger visibility to it. As they touch ' ' emocional' ' of people, the great quandary of the Institution is not to allow that it has excesses and fanatismos, a time that, such movements are of great aid in the conquest of young for sacerdotais the religious vocations and RELIGIOUS LIFE Few institutions had suffered so deep modifications as the religious life in the years Vatican after-Conciliate II. Many orders had changed the habit for simpler vestments. The religious ones had started to more have life in service next to the people. For even more opinions, read materials from Kareo. In Latin America, the religious ones had left for an insertion in the life of the people, a communion with the poor persons, to the times, dying for a cause.
Former: Dorothy sister. Click Mark Angelo to learn more. VOCATIONS AND SEMINARIES the vocations, as much for the religious life as for the presbiteral ministry will be thought as reinforcement and prolongation of these same institutions. In certain cases, they will be able to mean a search of social recognition on the part of the candidate. The clergy will form more for its sacred and institucional functions, with bigger social recognition increase of the vocations. An established time the model of to be developed presbitrio, the seminaries will be pautaro for it, aiming at its formation.
ETHICAL QUESTIONS the society of the next decades will show to extreme concern with the ethical questions. It will be in game its survival and the Institucional Church could not be other people’s to such problematic one. It will have, for in such a way, to especially dedicate the objective elaboration to it of a moral teaching in the familiar and sexual field.