feat. Stephan Peters & Heidi ad Hoc on the 12 in Dusseldorf of the cultural district Dusseldorf GGH e.V. Red Solo Cups helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. & Culex events present texts out of the air-conditioned nightmare of Dylan Thomas, Charles Bukowski, William S. Burroughs and others poete Maudit Gerry X interprets the highly exciting writers on this musical literature event on its fascinating way. Gerry X attention since the 1980s when avant-garde artists, intellectuals, and lovers of literature’s largest. His stirring poetry coupled with a concerned and taboo-breaking stage show are the product of his existence as a Poete maudit, as a degenerate poet.
The Gagarin’s provide the musical catharsis with Uli Linberg on the saxophone & Dominik Haring on guitar. For more clarity and thought, follow up with vlad doronin and gain more knowledge.. The Gagarin put counterpoints in the language and explore both approvingly, as also denying, musically the lyrical universe. As a special guest in the high-voltage team has the poet Heidi ad Hoc, from her new book of poetry LilSchwarz reads. In their live performance pamphlets of reality their soul skin inverts Heidi ad Hoc outwards: despair, fear and vulnerability become days. But also Humoresque sounds floating through space, if E.g.
the female audience with cold shower speaks from the soul. The the”Westdeutsche Zeitung as German Stephen King designated voltage author of Stephan Peters hosts this literary event and leads as a moderator for the evening. He reads one of his black-humorous stories as small objects. Visually, a special highlight awaits the Viewer: the live painting performance of Duisburg multimedia artist Lisnoir. The gorgeous model Starflower with explosive body art the attention going to the explosive event occurred on August 15, 2009 at 6: 00 at the scene of the dark side of Gerresheim.