Suunto presents the new core Alpine Edition just in time for the preparatory phase of Red Bull X-Alps Zurich, June 22, 2011 – Suunto, the leading designer and manufacturer of sports precision instrument, presented a new Member of its popular core series: the Alpine Edition Suunto core. The new outdoor sports instrument is the ideal companion for alpine adventures of any kind – including for the upcoming adventure race Red Bull X-Alps, for which Suunto as official supporter acts. The new sporty Suunto core Alpine Edition combines classic design with reliable data, which everywhere ‘ 000 can be received meters above sea thanks to precise measurements in the world up to a height of 9. The ease of use ensures optimum safety also even under the most demanding conditions. The Alpine Edition is, as the name suggests, the perfect companion for any activities in the mountains”, explains Philippe Descombes, Sales Manager Suunto Switzerland. It provides essential functions for safe orientation like altimeter, barometer, compass, storm alarm and much more.
Depending on the activity, switching between altimeter and barometer is also automatically. The core delivers the right information at any time. This year Suunto is a partner for the third time in a row of Red Bull X-Alps, the arguably toughest adventure race in the world. The participants of the sports competition complete a non-stop race about 864 kilometers from Salzburg across through the Alps to the finish in Monaco. Only on foot or by glider they fight in any weather conditions by extremely challenging terrain, until the first pilot reaches the goal in Monaco. The Suunto core is the perfect tool for an adventure race as red”Bull X-Alps, confirmed Hannes arch, inventor of Red Bull X-Alps. You provide absolutely necessary direction, weather conditions and altitude the athletes.” The new Suunto core are models now in stores from CHF 459.-available.
Contact and more information of Amer Sports SA Philippe Descombes Tel. 041 784 26 26 Oppenheim & partner (Press Office) Florian Engi Tel. 044 515 65 00 about Suunto Suunto was founded in 1936 and celebrates this year 75. Anniversary. The company is a leader in the development and manufacture of sports precision instrument for diving and outdoor activities. Suunto products provide guidance and inspiration for professional athletes and sports enthusiasts, who appreciate design, accuracy and reliability. Suunto has its headquarters in Vantaa, Finland employs over 500 people and distributes its products in over 100 countries.