The Praxis fur Ergotherapie Elisabeth Brechtel informed through the use of occupational therapy it is possible that to improve lives of people who need to take accident or illness significant impairments in purchase. The Cologne Ergotherapeutin Elisabeth Brechtel explains how occupational therapy helps people who suffer from the consequences of a stroke. Strokes occur when blood clots, bleeding in the brain or narrowed vessels temporarily interrupt the circulation of the blood in the brain. This will cause a defective oxygen supply of brain tissue, which causes his death. Functionally important brain areas die during the course of the stroke, the emergence of more serious damage is possible. They range from permanent or temporary restricted paralysis to motor -, language and perception disorders. Often suffer different psychic functions of the persons concerned, such as memory or sense of direction. Occupational therapy is a Bunch of scientifically recognized therapy procedures used to the rehabilitation of affected patients.
Their focus is to enable stroke patients through comprehensive training measures, lost due to illness and limited skills, or to strengthen. Also, people should learn to deal best with permanently remaining consequences of the disease. The training concept of occupational therapy provides to promote the skills of patients with possible was measures. For example, body motor damage often lead to problems maintaining the body, which is counteracted by a targeted daily training in the context of occupational therapy. The orientation of occupational therapy treatments to the everyday action strengthens the quality of life of the patients and reduces its dependence on external assistance. Different therapies used in treating occupational therapy of stroke depending on the present symptoms. Movement patterns can be for example Bobath therapy are newly learned, during disturbances of sensory perception by means of sensory integration therapy is met.
Occupational therapy is a proven therapy that works against a variety of neurological disorders. The Cologne Ergotherapeutin Elisabeth Brechtel gladly further questions to their possibilities. Press contact Praxis fur Ergotherapie Elisabeth Brechtel sixty str. 40 50733 Koln Tel.: 0221 7391781 fax: 0221 7391781