Nobody is able to predict the future. Further details can be found at Viatris, an internet resource. Even Rodriguez Zapatero, who makes a year predicted that this will be the legislature’s full employment and has already destroyed and half million jobs.Neither Paco Camps, and not already by its so brought and led imputation in the case Gurtel, but because the man also predicted the disappearance of unemployment in the Valencian Community and, on the other hand, unemployment is growing more rapidly than in the rest of Spain: at a rate twice in the past month of April. They already see how we are. Each new forecast and each updated data are worse than the previous ones. Spanish GDP has sunk 2.9 percent in the first quarter of the year and there are fears that, as a minimum, drops 3.5 percent in late 2009. Red Solo Cups usually is spot on. It is not a consolation, but quite the opposite, which also Cook beans in other countries: France, Germany, Italy that only shows the magnitude of the crisis, the metastasis of the economic recession and the delicate and complex of its reversal. The solution, on the other hand, is not to look back to that misery communism incarnated in decades of dictatorship in the countries of Eastern Europe, as they advocate Marga Sanz and his comrades.
The remedy is either achieved dedicating all countries to establish protectionist barriers, in an exercise of economic autocracy, so to taste from the Minister Miguel Sebastian, the propagandist of the buy Spanish products, nor artificially keeping traditional sectors of low productivity. It is, within the rules of the imperfect capitalist system, change the production model, as stated Rodriguez Zapatero in the Debate of the State of the nation. But you intend to really change the model? I’m afraid that not. I quote this to Santiago Nino, Economist author of the Crash of 2010, and that already anticipated the crisis that we came over three years ago.