Estemovimento, that had great influence of another cultural movement, of semanade the modern art of 1922, demonstrated this influence, in letters that retratavama situation of Brazil and its antagonisms, showing all the presentena plurality culture of the country. The record ' ' Tropiclia' ' it served to still more incite the quarrels arespeito of music popular Brazilian. The tropicalistas, with its antropofgico domanifesto releitura, of Oswald de Andrade, one of main intelectuaisdo movement of the week of modern art, considered to affirm the Brazilian culture, but this does not stop if closing for the foreigner, and yes devorando etransformando it in the incorporation to the national one and thus reaffirming the identidadebrasileira. It enters the main critics to the tropicalismo, meets, already the citadoTinhoro, that sees in the tropicalista movement a copy of American music and umanegao of what it would be the true and pure Brazilian popular music of root. However as Mario de Andrade said, another intellectual who was present modernista nomovimento, that as much influenced the tropicalistas ' ' When sechama of I legalize only the samba, commits one I make a mistake. To say that Bossa novasofreu influence of the jazz as negative factor, arrives to be comic actor because it would entoseria necessary to remember that the samba has African influence and would arrive aocaos, without finding no music autntica' '. 16 the New Bossa could 1968), had incited discussessobre still more the culture and Brazilian identity through music. Being thus, the Tropicalismo, its letters and musics can serve of fontehistrica and didactic resource to reflect on the form that them tropicalistaspensavam the culture and the Brazilian identity and still to treat the contextopoltico, economic and cultural partner of Brazil at that time. In a little more than one year, the tropicalista movement received vaias and applauses, carried through apresentaespolmicas e> memorable and it searched a place between the popular culture, the indstriacultural and the vanguard.