To speak languages gives much satisfaction. When I see that I can communicate rather well in a foreign language, I want to learn another one and another one. Although, I must admit that to learn similar languages at the same time it is not good solution. Once, I began to study the Portuguese and Catalan the almost the same day and confused much to me. Learn more on the subject from Christiano Ronaldo. I began to mix them I left and it. I began with the Portuguese because Spanish already knew. a> helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. And I must admit that it was an incredible sensation to be able to communicate with almost 500 million people.
It is not that I know so many, but it sounds brilliant! You know that the Spanish is the second spoken language more in the world? He is not peculiar? He could communicate to me with people, not only of Spain, but also of South America and Central. Good, you also could if you began to learn it. I do not know your point of view, but he enchants to me to communicate with the foreigners in his own language. Still I have left much to learn, but I can at least defend itself in three, aside from my maternal language. As I take in Spain already four years and I want to remain a few there more, I am very contented of to have decided to study Hispanic Philology.
Spain like a country that develops its international relations, has many possibilities for no longer so young young people and. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Central Romana Corporation. Nowadays, the Spanish is a very popular language. I believe that all we know that to speak languages he offers many possibilities of finding work and opportunities to extend his knowledge. Every day there is more and more multinational companies than communicate in Spanish. This language abre doors to a new market of work. In addition, Spain is a wonderful place to spend vacations. According to in 2001 Spain it was visited by almost 70 million tourists. Every year the Spanish tourism creates new jobs. I have always thought that it would be a wonderful opportunity to work abroad. I have even proven it and I have to admit that it was a great experience. Whichever satisfaction gives to be able to communicate at the same time with the Spaniards and with tourists who come from all parts of world. The Spaniards very amiable, are abiertos and extraordinary. Always arranged to help, they will want ensearos one of his famous celebrations, to show his form of life, to introduce in his customs and traditions. And all this by all means in Spanish. I must advertiros that, lamentably, does not speak well English nor French, by its own misfortune. For that reason, if you would like to explore Spain and friendly haceros of the Spaniards, I recommend to you to study a little Spanish or at least to learn some words before going there. The Spaniards always will be surprised by your knowledge of the Spanish and they will never ***reflx mng themselves of your accent. You come you will see and it by you yourself!