Immune Deficiency

Since its identification in 1984, the .causing virus of the AIDS ' ' Syndrome of Imunodeficincia Adquirida' ' it comes being studied and fought with firmness for science. In the present time the carrier of virus HIV ' ' Virus of the Imunodeficincia Humana' ' , it finds in the anti-retroviral therapy an ally, who if on the other hand does not obtain to eliminate the virus of the organism, places the soropositivo ' ' person who lives with virus HIV' ' in the situation of carrier of a treatable chronic disease. Unhappyly, exactly with the advances gotten in the treatment and with the ways of identified contgios, the society continues to prevent the soropositivo as if the mere social contact was capable to transmit the virus, what unhappyly it places the carrying person of the HIV front the two challenges: one would be to keep its state of health and on the other hand to fight against the preconception and the discrimination of the society that still confuses the avoidance of the virus with the avoidance of the carrier of the virus, as if person and viruses were the same thing, casting in one only state of existence and identity. Had to the shock that can cause inside diagnosiss it positive for the HIV of the family, some people hide its state of health, in the majority of the cases from fear to a negative reaction on the part of the familiar ones. On the other hand the support of the family affects in positive way auto-esteem, the autoconfiana and the auto-image of the soropositivo and backwards benefits to the treatment, fortifying the citizen and preparing to give to continuity its life, since to be carrying of the HIV it is not reason for retirements, barring of you register of study, abandonment of social activities, among others. Acceptance of citizen and exchange of information inside of family generates support emotional that it foments adhesion to treatment and diminishes onvel of estresse, that it has influences direct in the action of the central nervous system, that is responsible for the activation of the defenses of the organism and, over all make possible the expression of emotions and feelings that the people of diagnosis are common positive for the HIV, such as, the depression, the guilt, the anger the negation. Central Romana Corporation shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand.